Champion Sponsors


Accepted Courses

We are happy to announce the list of accepted courses for CHI 2019.

Quick Facts

Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline: 17 October 2018 (12pm (noon) PDT / 3pm EDT / 8pm BST)
  • Notification: 28 November 2018
  • Camera-Ready Deadline, Revised Course Description, and (optional) Course URLs: 17 December 2018 (updated)
  • Course Notes and Final Materials/Room Requirements: 01 Mar 2019

Hot Topics:

  • Making/Fabrication/Prototyping/Sketching
  • Computational Interaction
  • Statistics for HCI/Quantitative Research/Data Science
  • Big data / Machine Learning/AI for Research/Design
  • Blockchain
  • Critical Design
  • Virtual/Augmented Reality
  • Voice/screen-less interaction
  • UX Research, Design, and Innovation
  • Social Cause HCI (Sustainability/Circular Design, Feminist HCI, Civic Engagement, etc)
  • Ethics in HCI Research + Design
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Tools, Skills, and Methodologies of interest to the CHI audience
  • HCI professional skills
  • The ACM SIGCHI curriculum on Foundations of HCI
  • and more!

Course submissions typically fall into the following categories:

  • Foundational concepts of HCI research and UX practice
  • Specialized courses with significant depth in specific established and/or emerging areas of research and practice
  • Tools and Methods courses which offer hands-on practical skill development in methodologies, technologies, research/design/development approaches, etc
  • CHI Academic/UX Professional meta-skills

Formal Submission Details:

Priority will be given to courses with clearly defined learning outcomes of strong & immediate relevance to CHI course attendees.

Please note: CHI 2019 is using a new version of Precision Conference System (PCS 2.0). You will need to create a new login/password for this system.

Selection Process: Curated

Chairs: Daniela Busse, Paul Cairns, and Evangelos Karapanos (

At the Conference: Accepted Courses with the minimum number of registered participants will be taught in up to four 80-minute sessions during the conference. Course instructors typically receive 1 free registration OR a honorarium for the first session taught, and an honorarium for subsequent sessions taught.

Archives: Course Descriptions will be published in the Extended Abstracts and in the ACM Digital Library.

What is a CHI Course?

Courses allow CHI attendees to extend their knowledge beyond their current area(s) of expertise. Courses help people to 1) explore new methods, techniques, and practices, 2) develop new skills in order to innovate, and 3) become inspired to pursue new ideas. Participants will include industry managers and professionals, practitioners, students and researchers. Courses will be offered in max. four 80-minute sessions. Courses will run in parallel with the technical program. Courses can be designed for novices, experts, or audiences with general interest – the expected audience should be very clear in the proposal.

For example, a Course could:

  • Introduce practitioners to emerging areas, new technologies and methods within HCI research or practice
  • Create opportunities to learn new techniques for use in research or practice
  • Provide master level classes for experienced CHI attendees
  • Provide advanced instruction in CHI-related tools, technologies or methods
  • Provide a substantial overview of state-of-the-art research or technology areas
  • Provide HCI meta-skills, such as being an AC, writing papers and grant proposals, making research videos, giving presentations, etc.

Courses are different to Workshops or SIGs – Workshops are meetings of experts exploring new knowledge. SIGs bring together CHI attendees interested in a specific topic to identify current priorities or fresh perspectives in a topic area. Courses are run by expert instructors, typically with established reputations, teaching people new to a topic. See Courses vs Workshops vs SIGs for more information.

Message from the CHI 2019 Courses Chairs

We expect courses to provide clear practical value to intended audiences (researchers, practitioners, designers, developers, managers, and students), and at recommended levels: new researchers/practitioners, general interest, or experts.

Courses might cover topics like:

  • Professional courses focusing on all stages of the user-centered development cycle including user needs and requirements analysis, design, prototyping and evaluation
  • Practical and technical methods that are relevant to HCI (e.g., storyboarding, role playing and improvisation methods, prototyping tools and methods, experimental design and analysis, statistical methods, field methods, Web design tools and languages, mobile development frameworks, microelectronics toolkits, gesture and sensor toolkits, robot programming toolkits)
  • New and emerging topics within and/or relevant to HCI (e.g., HCI and the home, sustainability, mobile HCI, developments in automotive technologies, social media design, game design)
  • Historical courses about the foundations of HCI
  • If you want to discuss your ideas for courses with us, then just ping us.

Daniela Busse, Oracle, CA, USA
Paul Cairns, University of York, York, United Kingdom
Evangelos Karapanos, Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus


Hot Topics & Course Suggestions

Our goal is to provide courses with high relevance and educational value to the CHI community. Although any course proposals are welcome, the following have been requested and labelled as hot topics & categories of interest:

  • Making/Fabrication
  • Big data / Machine Learning/ AI (Research/Design)
  • Robotics/Human-Robot Interaction
  • Computational Interaction
  • Third Wave HCI
  • Blockchain
  • Play/Games
  • Prototyping (incl. Arduino) / sketching
  • Virtual & Augmented Reality
  • Statistics for HCI (Intro/Advanced)
  • UX (from established practitioners)
  • Children and Technology (Research, Design, Safety, Societal Implications)
  • Critical Design
  • Art + HCI
  • Voice/screen-less interaction
  • Domains such as Healthcare, FinTech, Security/Privacy
  • Social Cause HCI (Feminism, Sustainability, Accessibility, Poverty/Inequality, Civil/Human Rights, Civic Engagement, Mental Health, Societal implications of technological change, etc)
  • Ethics in HCI Research + Design
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Methodology courses which offer hands-on practical skill development (such as Ethnography, Design Thinking, Lean UX, Statistics, Quantitative Research, Research/Design/Prototyping tools)
  • CHI Academic/UX Professional meta-skills, such as (for students): writing papers, reviewing, ACing, networking, presenting, making research videos, recruiting participants; (for early faculty): writing proposals, hiring students, networking, converting research to impact; (for industry UX practitioners/managers): Establishing a UX practice, Managing UX teams, etc.
  • The ACM SIGCHI curriculum, especially: Foundational concepts of HCI research and practice

If you have ideas for courses you would like to see presented at CHI 2019, or in the future, please provide course suggestions with an email to

Preparing and Submitting your CHI Course Proposal

A Course proposal must be submitted via the PCS Submission System by 17 October 2018 12pm (noon) PDT / 3pm EDT / 8pm BST. The proposal should have the following components:

PART 1: Key Course Information (to be entered into the PCS submission form)

PART 2: Detailed Course Description document (up to 4 pages), for publication in the ACM Digital Library on acceptance of the Course (to be attached to the PCS submission form).

PART 3 (optional): Course Material Samples (for example, handouts, slides, etc., in PDF format) to support your submission and aid the course acceptance decision (also to be attached to the PCS submission form (optional))

PART 1: Key Course Information (to be entered into PCS)

Submitters will be asked to also enter the following information into the PCS submission system at time of submission:

  • Duration of the Course (total number of 80-minute sessions (between 1 and 4 total)).
  • Linkage to other courses, if any. A linkage should be defined if there is a dependency between the courses requiring that they be considered together (for instance, an introduction course, and an advanced “linked” course on the same topic; or a theoretical overview vs practical applications of a topic in two separate, but linked, courses). Linked courses will be accepted or rejected together. Include scheduling constraints, such as the order of the Courses and whether they can be scheduled on different days.
  • Audience size: what is the preferred audience size? The average number of registrations for Courses at CHI in recent years was 43 (, with 10 of the 28 Courses having over 50 registrations. If the Course is very popular, would you consider teaching it more than once? We will contact instructors of Courses that have significant enrollments by the end of the second week of registration. If you believe your course should be limited to a certain number for optimal effect, please state so and state the optimal number below or above which you believe your course would not be maximally effective.
  • Course history: if the proposed Course has been given previously, describe where it was given, the evaluation it received from attendees, and how it will be modified.
  • Student Volunteers: specify and justify any student volunteer help needed for your Course.
  • Audio/Visual needs: CHI can generally provide a projector, screen, computer audio, and podium microphone. Budget constraints make it unlikely that additional equipment can be provided. CHI also provides a small budget for instructors to buy office supplies for their course. Please define all your requirements for audio visual aids and office supplies.
  • Promotional strategy: a description of your advertising/promotional strategy for attracting attendees

PART 2: Detailed Course Description (up to 4 pages)

The Course description is the most important part of your proposal. The chairs will evaluate the course based primarily on this description and the material sample in Part 3. The course descriptions for accepted courses will be included in the ACM Digital Library Extended Abstracts publication. This part of the proposal must not exceed four pages. It should include:

  • Title of the Course (please make this short but descriptive)
  • Names and affiliations of the instructors.
  • 100 words Abstract/Course Description. This will also  will appear on the CHI website describing your course to promote and advertise your course.
  • Benefits: summarize the learning outcomes (skills and knowledge) the attendees will gain as a result of attending this Course. This should include the reasons that CHI attendees would want to take your course.
  • Intended Audience(s): types of audience (researchers, students, practitioners, etc) that will benefit from the course
  • Prerequisites: describe any background required to understand the Course, including attendance at any other course in the program if that is a requirement.
  • Content: describe in detail the material that will be covered.
  • Practical work: describe the expected practical work in the course.
  • Instructor background: list the background for each instructor, including current employment and activities, previous professional activities, and relevant publications.
  • Resources: web site or other resources (e.g., books) that might be accessed to provide more information about the Course or instructor(s)

The Detailed Course Description document needs to follow the SIGCHI Extended Abstracts Format template. Please make sure it includes all above-listed headings and sections.

PART 3: Course Material Sample (optional)

Provide a sample of the Course material you will present in this Course. This can include handouts, slides or other relevant material you plan to use or have used before in courses, talks or related curriculum. Sample course materials are very helpful in the Chairs’ Course selection process.

Course Selection Process

The CHI 2019 Courses will be curated by the CHI 2019 Course Chairs. Acceptance of proposals will be based on:

  1. Clarity of intended learning outcomes, value for the participants, level of expected interest and engagement, and relevance to the CHI audience.
  2. Previous presentations and, if appropriate, course participant evaluations of the Course at CHI and number of times this course (or a similar course) has been offered over the past years, in order to balance the CHI courses program over the year
  3. Coverage of the recommended ACM SIGCHI Course Curriculum, as well as of Hot Topics and other categories of interest listed above.
  4. Prior experience and qualifications of the instructors.

Courses should not contain sensitive, private, or proprietary information that cannot be disclosed at publication time. Courses that promote products or services (solely for marketing purposes) will not be considered. The courses may discuss techniques or products in the context of larger issues. Submissions should NOT be anonymous. However, confidentiality of submissions will be maintained during the selection process. All rejected submissions will be kept confidential in perpetuity.

Upon Acceptance of your CHI Course

Course instructors will be notified of acceptance or non-acceptance by 28 November 2018. The instructors will receive more information about the expected format of the Course notes and about logistics (e.g., student volunteers, A/V equipment, recommendations and requirements for course evaluations, course payments) after acceptance of courses. Course instructors typically receive 1 free registration (or optionally an honorarium) for the first session taught, and honorariums for all subsequent sessions taught.

As a general guideline, Course notes are intended to provide the attendees with materials that will enable them to concentrate their attention on the presentation and participation, rather than on hastily taking handwritten notes. As with recent years, the course notes will primarily be distributed online, in digital format.

The notes should include materials such as:

  • Overview and clear time plan for your units
  • Copies of presentation material, e.g., slides
  • Annotated bibliography and/or recommended reading
  • Copies of relevant background material or scholarly papers (for which the instructors have obtained any necessary reprint permission)
  • Course exercises, as appropriate

All accepted courses are required to provide their course notes to CHI. The deadline for the final course notes is 01 Mar 2019.

Cancellation: Courses with fewer than 10 participants registered by the early registration deadline may be cancelled. We therefore strongly recommend that you promote your courses through social media channels, in your own social networks, to your personal contacts and in your teaching, research and professional/practice communities. The CHI 2019 conference organizers will not promote specific courses or course materials.

At the Conference

Your CHI Course will be allotted up to four 80-minute sessions for presentation. We will coordinate A/V requirements with accepted course instructors. Instructors should see Presenting at CHI 2019 for information about standard computing and A/V equipment that will be made available to instructors and presenters at CHI.

After the Conference

Accepted four-page Course Descriptions will be distributed in the CHI Extended Abstracts, available in the ACM Digital Library. Course notes and additional descriptive material will not be available in the Proceedings or the ACM Digital Library.